歐洲小國比利時,如何邁向零核時代? Nuclear Decommissioning in Belgium


歐洲小國比利時,如何邁向零核時代? Nuclear Decommissioning in Belgium

1.提案人 Author:



Guan yin,Lin
a former project assistant of Environmental Action Team of Tainan Community University, and a citizen journalist, is backpacking around Europe. I have twice won Citizen Journalism Awards of Taiwan Public Television Service Foundation with the reports on environmental issues. Links to more information.

2. 發起議題 Motivation and Purpose:


I went to visit a Belgian friend when I just arrived in this country. We talked about energy issues,and someone said that the Belgian government should close nuclear power plants soon, since there is nowhere to store radioactive wastes, while someone thought shutting down the power plants will impact on economic development. The discussion reminded me of the social climate of Taiwan in March last year, when 220 thousand Taiwanese gathered on streets for the anti-nuclear protest. Back then, the debates on nuclear energy and the constructing Fourth Nuclear Plant were at its peak, but now it seems to be forgotten by mainstream media. Therefore, I would like to extend the discussion by making this report.

比利時,這個比台灣略小的國家,擁有七個核反應爐,全國有54%的電力使用量來自核能,遠高於台灣的16~18%,然而自從車諾比核災爆發後,反核的聲音開始在比利時出現。1999年,Verhofstadt I Government聯盟,在政策聲明裡提出核電除役的計畫,在當時並沒有受到重視,直到2011年的福島核災,再次喚醒人民對於核電使用的隱憂,於是執政者在民意的壓力下,做了除役的決定。

Belgium, just slightly smaller than Taiwan, has seven nuclear reactors. 54 percent of the

electricity is generated by nuclear power, much higher than the 16-18 percent of Taiwan, but after the Chernobyl disaster occurred, the call for anti-nuclear has started to spread. In 1999, Verhofstadt I Government proposed a nuclear decommissioning plan in the policy statement without receiving too much attention. It was not until the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in 2011 that the concern about nuclear aroused again in Belgians that the rulers made the decision of decommissioning by people's demand.


Belgian government decided to close down two aged reactors in 2015, and to decommission others gradually, in order to become nuclear-free in 2025. Since nuclear power makes up 54 percent of electricity usage, how do the authorities plan to carry out the scheme of decommissioning? If electricity shortage crises occur during the process, what are the supporting policies? What does the general public think of decommissioning? What role does the civil movement play here?


Taiwan’s first nuclear power plant at Chinshan began to operate since 1979, and the average effective duration of a plant is 40 years, which means that after 5 years, Taiwan has to face the problem of decommissioning, too. Although Taiwan is very different from Belgium in many ways, both countries are densely builded and the undergoing debates of the usage of nuclear power. Belgium, being about to decommission two reactors, may be a good example for Taiwan to learn from. The reports will not only include the news and the interviews about nuclear decommissioning, but also record some daily electricity using habits that the author observes from the public, as a way of supplement, for putting down Belgian's living attitudes as well as the dialectic between the proponents and the opponents of nuclear power.


3. 作品預計形式 Intended Form of the Report:



This project intends to produce three or four serial reports, with 10000 words in total,

supplemented with 20 photos and some charts.

4. 焦點訪談對象Intended main interviewees:

Belgian authorities and politic parties, for instance:

Non-governmental organizations in Belgium:

Belgian residents


European Green Party



比利時NGO ,例如:

Friends of the Earth Europe

Greenpeace in Belgium

European Greens

Green Left



5. 募款目標 The goal of fundraising:

十萬。   (100,000 TWD =2,433 EUR)


The reason why I raise funds on WeReport:  first, I am now traveling around Europe with Belgium working holiday visa, and the funds are needed to investigate the subject deeply; second, through WeReport, the result report can be accessed by more people, and the copyright also belongs to the public.


因為筆者已經入境比利時,故將自行負擔來回機票費用,希望募得採訪調查期間(02/04~05/30)的食宿交通和製作等費用 (以下皆以新台幣計算):

1.交通費:一個月4000元,四個月16,000元。(主要搭乘比利時國鐵SNCB,以及地上電車De Lijn,如果應採訪需要搭乘計程車或租車,額外費用將由筆者自行負擔。)2.食宿費:一個月20,000元,四個月80,000元。( 此處筆者提出申請40,000元,額外費用將由筆者自行負擔。)3.採訪過程的通話費、影印費用、攝影耗材(底片)等:粗估約14,000元。4.翻譯費用(含翻譯人員的交通費/因為比利時有三種官方語言,法語、荷語和德語,因此在現場採訪過程中,有時會需要翻譯。另外,筆者也希望在正式報導產出後,能有英文版本發出,增加報導的曝光率。)粗估20,000元。5.本平台行政管理費10%:10,000元。



Since I have already entered Belgium, I will pay the round-way plane ticket by myself. I hope to raise funds for food, accommodation, transportation, and production expenses caused during investigation period (from Feb. 4th to May 30)

1.Transportion:4000 TWD per month ,16,000 TWD for four months (Belgian Railways (SNCB) and the trams (De Lijn) are the main transportation, taxi or renting a car only when it's necessary. Exceeded amounts will be paid by the author.) 2.Food and Accommodation:  20,000 TWD per month,80,000 TWD for four months (Here the author only applies for 40000 TWD) 3. Call charges for interviews,printing expenses, photography accessories (negatives), etc.:approx. 14,000 TWD 4. Translation

(including the transportation expenses of the translators):approx. 20,000TWD 5.Administration fee for WeReport:10,000 TWD

Total:100,000 TWD

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[使用期限將屆 比將關兩核電廠]

翻譯員Interpreter: Heidi Tai

已於 2014-04-15 截止
報導完成形式:本提案以文字為主,總字數為一萬字,預計分成三至四篇報導。 並輔以相關照片約20張和圖表。 並輔以相關照片約20張和圖表。
經費說明:募款目標:十萬。因為筆者已經入境比利時,故將自行負擔來回機票費用,希望募得採訪調查期間(02/04~05/30)的食宿交通和製作等費用 (以下皆以新台幣計算):1.交通費:一個月4000元,四個月16,000元 2.食宿費:一個月20,000元,四個月80,000元。( 此處筆者提出申請40,000元,額外費用將由筆者自行負擔。)3.採訪過程的通話費、影印費用、攝影耗材(底片)等:粗估約14,000元。4.翻譯費用(含翻譯人員的交通費)粗20,000元。5.本平台行政管理費10%:10,000元。總申請經費:十萬。  
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